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Learning Website UI

Learn how to use our Documentation website.

Understand how the UI works and how to navigate through the documentation.

The header contains the main navigation links and a search bar to quickly find the content you need. Refer to the image below for a detailed view of the header.

Understanding the headerLoading image

Key Features

  • Navigation Links: Quickly access different sections of the documentation.
  • Search Bar: Use this to search for specific topics or keywords.


The main content area displays the documentation in an easy-to-read format. See the image below to understand the content layout.

Understanding the ContentLoading image

Key Features

  • Readable Layout: Well-structured and easy to follow.
  • Code Examples: Inline code snippets and examples for better understanding.
  • Images and Diagrams: Visual aids to enhance comprehension.

The sidebar allows you to navigate between different documentation pages. It includes a filter to easily find specific pages.

Understanding the SidebarLoading image

Key Features

  • Navigation Links: Quickly switch between different sections and pages.
  • Filter: Use the filter to find documentation pages efficiently.
  • Collapsible Sections: Expand or collapse sections for better navigation.

The footer contains additional resources and links. It’s a helpful section to find related documentation and support.

Key Features

  • Related Links: Access related documentation and external resources.
  • Support Information: Find support contact information and links.

By understanding these key elements of our documentation website, you can navigate and utilize the resources more effectively. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please refer to our support section or contact us directly.

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